
Mage Smith Spells

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Second Level
Spell # Spell Name Spell # Spell Name
001 Acid Arrow 032 Ice Knife
002 Aptitude Appropriator 033 Infratorch
003 Banner 034 Lightning Strike
004 Battering Ram 035 Mace
005 Bind 036 Magic Mouth
006 Bladeleap 037 Mimicry
007 Bladethrist 038 Mirror Image
008 Blastbones 039 Paralytic Missile
009 Blazing Beam 040 Preservation
010 Bloodglass 041 Preserve Rainfire
011 Boiling Oil Bath 042 Projected Magnification
012 Breath of Life 043 Protection from Mechanical Traps
013 Circle of Flame 044 Pyrotechnics
014 Combust 045 Ray of Enfeeblement
015 Create Water 046 Rope Trick
016 Crystal Dagger 047 Shark Bolt
017 Decastave 048 Shadow Burst
018 Deep Pockets 049 Shatter
019 Fiery Cube 050 Skyhook
020 Fireproof 051 Smokescreen
021 Firestaff 052 Spark Shower
022 Filter 053 Whip
023 Flame Ray 054 Whirling Blade
024 Flaming Sphere 055 Stairway
025 Flash 056 Stone Flame
026 Flying Fist 057 Strength
027 Fools Gold 058 Unpickable Lock
028 Forcewave 059 Web
029 Frostfire 060 Wizard Lock
030 Gate Ward 061 Zephyr
031 Glitterdust