
Healer Spells

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Fourth Level
Spell # Spell Name Spell # Spell Name
001 Black Mulching 021 Great Magic Flow Enhancment
002 Blessed Warmth 022 Hold Plant
003 Cause Critical Wounds 023 Holy Conduit
004 Choatic Sleep 024 Locate Creature
005 Charm Monster 025 Mask of Death
006 Confusion 026 Mental Domination
007 Conjure Cabinet 027 Modify Memory
008 Cure Critical Wounds 028 Neutralize Poison
009 Dead Alive 029 Ocular Orb
010 Death Ward 030 Poison
011 Degenerate 031 Psychic Protection
012 Detect Lie 032 Reincarnation
013 Detect Truth 033 Restoration
014 Dispel Evil 034 Shout
015 Dispel Good 035 Spell Immunity
016 Divinitation 036 Status
017 Embrace 037 Unfailing Endurance
018 Emotion 038 Unholy Conduit
019 Enervation 039 Untreatable
020 Fumble 040 Weaken Resistance