
Healer Spells

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Sixth Level
Spell # Spell Name Spell # Spell Name
001 Amensia Mass 017 Harm
002 Anti Life Shell 018 Heal
003 Anti Magic Shell 019 Healing Circle
004 Cardiac Grab 020 Heal Construct
005 Circle of Death 021 Lower Water
006 Coma 022 Raise Water
007 Command Monster 023 Repulsion
008 Create Undead 024 Reverse Time
009 Death Fog 025 Soften Spell
010 Death Spell 026 Speak with Monster
011 Create Healing Spring 027 Stone to Flesh
012 Destroy Healing Spring 028 Suggestion
013 Flesh to Stone 029 Touch of Agony
014 Greater Dispelling 030 Unwill
015 Greater Sign of Sealing 031 Wound
016 Guards and Wards