
Conjurer Spells

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Fourth Level
Spell # Spell Name Spell # Spell Name
001 Bestow Curse 024 Locate Creature
002 Blessed Warmth 025 Lower Water
003 Celerity 026 Magic Mirror
004 Confusion 027 Mask of Death
005 Conjure Elemental Kin 028 Massmorph
006 Contagion 029 Minor Creation
007 Control Temerature 10' Radius 030 Minor Globe of Invulnerability
008 Detect Scrying 031 Minor Spell Turning
009 Dig 032 Phantasmal Killer
010 Dispel Exhaustion 033 Protection from Lightning
011 Dispelling Screen 034 Psychic Protection
012 Divination Enhancement 035 Rainbow Pattern
013 Duplicate 036 Remove Curse
014 Emotion 037 Resilient Sphere
015 Enervation 038 Shadow Monsters
016 Fire Aura 039 Shout
017 Fire Shield 040 Solid Fog
018 Fire Trap 041 Thunder Staff
019 Force Missles 042 Vacancy
020 Halo of Eyes 043 Wall of Fire
021 Ice Storm 044 Wall of Ice
022 Improved Invisibility 045 Weather Statis
023 Illusionary Wall 046 Wind Breath