
Conjurer Spells

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Fifth Level
Spell # Spell Name Spell # Spell Name
001 Advanced Illusion 025 Maze
002 Air Walk 026 Mummy Rot
003 Animate Dead 027 Nightmare
004 Attraction 028 Private Sanctum
005 Avoidance 029 Procurement
006 Chaos 030 Produce Ice
007 Cloudkill 031 Projected Image
008 Cone of Cold 032 Proof vs. Combustion
009 Conjure Elemental 033 Prying Eyes
010 Contact Outer Plane 034 Rainbow
011 Control Winds 035 Refusal
012 Demi-Shadow Monsters 036 Safeguarding
013 Destructive Resonance 037 Seeming
014 Dismissal 038 Sending
015 Dream 039 Shadow Door
016 False Vision 040 Shadow Magic
017 Force Shapechange 041 Summon Shadow
018 Invulnerability to Normal Weapons 042 Telepathic Bond
019 Interposing Hand 043 Teleport
020 Know Value 044 Tempus Fugit
021 Lamentable Belaborment 045 Throbbing Bones
022 Lower Resistance 046 Wall of Force
023 Magic Jar 047 Wall of Iron
024 Major Creation 048 Wall of Stone