
Conjurer Spells

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Sixth Level
Spell # Spell Name Spell # Spell Name
001 Anti-Magic Shell 022 Invulnerability to Magical Weapons
002 Arrow of Bone 023 Legend Lore
003 Augmentation 2 024 Mass Suggestion
004 Blackmantle 025 Mirage Arcane
005 Chain Lightning 026 Mislead
006 Conjure Animals 027 Part Water
007 Conjure Fire Elemental 028 Permanent Illusion
008 Contingency 029 Phantasmagoria
009 Dead Man's Eyes 030 Programmed Illusion
010 Death Fog 031 Reincarnation
011 Death Spell 032 Repulsion
012 Demi-Shadow Magic 033 Shades
013 Dimension Blades 034 Shadowy Transformation
014 Dragon Scales 035 Spectral Steed
015 Enchant an Item 036 Transmute Dust to Water
016 Eyebite 037 Transmute Water to Dust
017 Forceful Hand 038 Trollish Fortitude
018 Freezing Sphere 039 True Seeing
019 Globe if Invulnerability 040 True Sight
020 Greater Sign of Sealing 041 Veil
021 Guards and Wards 042 Weather Summoning